Food & Health

New peer-reviewed publication on MintyBright™ Nu

Exciting news: a new article has been published in the prestigious journal Global Journal of Nutrition & Food Science. The study highlights the impressive skin-brightening effects of our innovative active ingredient  MintyBright™ Nu.

MintyBright™ Nu is an extract derived from apple mint leaves, renowned for its high flavonoid content. Flavonoids are compounds known to influence melanin production, which plays a crucial role in skin brightness and hyperpigmentation.

The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study investigated the effects of daily intake of 150 mg MintyBright™ Nu on skin brightening, skin lightening and skin pigmentation in women with sun-damaged skin. The study was conducted for 84 days.

The study’s key findings demonstrate that MintyBright™ Nu

  • Skin Lightening: The skin was significantly lighter with 81% of participants noticing a visible skin lightening effect.
  • Skin Brigthening: The skin was significantly brightened by 16 %.
  • Skin Tone Evenness: Melanin variation was reduced, leading to a significantly more even skin tone. 


Additionally, in vitro tests demonstrated that MintyBright™ Nu significantly inhibits melanin synthesis matching the efficacy of the well-known skin brightening ingredient kojic acid and even outperforming glutathione.

These results show that MintyBright™ Nu effectively brightens the skin, offering a promising and safe alternative to common synthetic skin-lightening ingredients at a low, effective dosage.

Read the full article here:

Helen Majer
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Helen Majer