EnduBerry™ Nu
Endurance and fitness booster
EnduBerry™ Nu is an anthocyanin-rich, high-quality plant powder extract sourced from the haskap berry. Clinical results show that EnduBerry™ Nu significantly boosts endurance and physical fitness in recreational athletes. It is the ideal active ingredient for sports nutrition supplements and beverages.

Exercise increases the production of free radicals in our cells. This can slow down physical performance and enhance muscle fatigue. EnduBerry™ Nu counteracts this effect by protecting the mitochondria, also called the energy powerhouse, from this oxidative stress. It has a strong antioxidant effect, as well as increases the level of two regulator proteins, FOXP1 and Presenilin 2, which are important for mitochondrial function and protection.
- Endurance booster
- Pre-workout formulas
- Electrolyte drinks
- Exercise and recovery supplements
- Sport powder beverages
Clinical Results
EnduBerry™ Nu increased running speed and extended time to exhaustion. Runners in a placebo-controlled, double blind, randomized study ran on average 25 seconds faster than the placebo group over 5km. Additionally, study participants were able to increase their time to exhaustion significantly by 20 seconds in a volitional exhaustion test.
EnduBerry™ Nu is an extract prepared from the haskap berry, also known as the blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea). The fruit is native to the northern hemisphere and resistant to cold temperatures. In Japan the berry is also called “fruit of longevity” and is particularly rich in anthocyanin, fibers, potassium, and vitamin C. The juice of this fruit is consumed in many countries as syrup, jam or beverage.
For more information please contact us directly: food@mibellebiochemistry.com