
Food & Health

New peer-reviewed publication on MonaJuventa™ Nu

Delighted to announce a groundbreaking study on the first botanical to address epigenic aging, an important hallmark of aging. The article was published in the prestigious journal GeroScience on March 10th.

The hallmarks of aging describe the biological processes that mark the passage of time in our bodies. Scientists have identified several molecular and genetic factors that contribute to aging, such as telomere shortening, epigenetic alterations like DNA methylation, and cellular senescence. Our active ingredient, MonaJuventa™ Nu, was specifically designed to target these key biological aging processes, to promote longevity and healthy aging. MonaJuventa™ Nu is an extract derived from scarlet beebalm (Monarda didyma) renowned for its high content in the unique anti-aging flavonoid didymin.

Clinical study results:

In this randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, parallel design, monocentric clinical trial, the effects of daily intake of 100 mg MonaJuventa™ Nu over the period of 12 weeks on healthy aging were investigated under the guidance of Prof. S. Pavanello and her team of researchers at BioAgingLab at the University of Padua. The study population consisted of 81 participants working stressful jobs.

Key findings:

  • Prevention of epigenetic aging
  • Shortens telomere reduction rate 
  • Enhanced Quality of Life (QOL) 
  • Increased physical activity and improved sleep quality


Additionally, in vitro tests demonstrated that MonaJuventa™ Nu significantly slows down the aging process by preventing epigenetic aging, telomere shortening, accumulation of senescent cells, protecting cells from oxidative stress, and improving mitochondrial and endothelial function. 

These results show that MonaJuventa™ Nu effectively targets at least 8 different hallmarks of aging, promoting longevity and healthy aging. To our current knowledge, MonaJuventa™ Nu is the first botanical to counteract the signs of aging.

Read the full article here: Unveiling the geroprotective potential of Monarda didyma L.: insights from in vitro studies and a randomized clinical trial on slowing biological aging and improving quality of life | GeroScience

Helen Majer
Written by

Helen Majer