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Environmental Protection

Environmental Protection

  • Boosts NAD+ levels
  • Tackles 5 hallmarks of aging
  • Energizes mitochondria and promotes DNA repair
  • Makes the skin appear 8 years younger


Naturally boosts NAD+ for skin longevity

  • Calms irritated skin
  • Soothes inflamed and reddened skin
  • Promotes collagen production
  • Improves skin firmness and skin density


Combats inflammaging

  • Boosts naturally occurring retinoic acid in the skin
  • Improves skin elasticity and density
  • Effects immediate lifting
  • Visibly refines pores and blemishes
  • Stable and safe retinol activity


The natural alternative to retinol



  • Biomimetic concept for skin hydration
  • Envelops the skin with a protective shell
  • Supports the skin barrier function against aggressors
  • Rehydrates dry legs



Deep comfort with upcycled coffee silverskin

  • Reduces the gray hair ratio by 21.6 %
  • Long-lasting repigmentation effect (> 1 month)
  • Stimulates melanin synthesis
  • Enhances melanocyte stress resistance


The hair color restoring essence

  • Improves hydration evenness
  • Activates cell-to-cell communication
  • Fades away signs of aging
  • Comforts dry skin

MossCellTec™ Aloe

Harmonizes the skin’s moisture flow

PCT MD skin
  • Protects longevity of skin stem cells
  • Increases the vitality of skin stem cells
  • Combats chronological aging
  • Increases the regenerative potential of the skin

PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica Skin

Plant stem cells for skin stem cell protection

Alpine Rose Active new
  • Eliminates senescent skin cells
  • Reduces redness and increases skin elasticity
  • Rejuvenates the deep layers of the skin
  • Soothes red and irritated scalps

Alpine Rose Active

Clearing “zombie cells” in the skin

PhytoCellTec Argan
  • Vitalizes and protects dermal stem cells
  • Reduces wrinkles (– 26 %)
  • Increases skin firmness and density
  • Deep-seated rejuvenation of the skin

PhytoCellTec™ Argan

Vitalizing dermal stem cells to improve skin density